Bethany Shum is a young, British Chinese physiotherapist working in the NHS. During the lockdown, she was redeployed to the COVID-19 wards where she had made vital contributions to treating the Coronavirus patients. With the extra demand for in-patient rehabilitation across ICU and Acute medicine, she had worked diligently with her patients to help them on their long road to recovery. She worked weekends, extra shifts and bank holidays throughout the lockdown, caring for others whilst ignoring the risks to herself. Bethany demonstrated her bravery and selflessness throughout the pandemic care for her patients. She has impressed positively with her attitude in discharging her responsibilities and helping others to improve the quality of their health and well-being.
往往因優先考慮其他人,而忘了對自己的風險。 Bethany 在疫情期間表現出了她的英勇精神,尤其是她對工作的積極態度以及在這些困難時期幫助他人改善生活質量。