2011年,她的雇主曼徹斯特大學(University of Manchester)將她評為“年度最佳志願者”2017年,華夏獲得了全國補習學校支持組織NRCSE的金獎。
Due to the overwhelming response, the deadline for the nomination of the 8th Chinese Information and Advice Centre’s Woman Volunteer of the Year Award is now extended to Friday 8th October 2021 5:00 pm. This year we also have the new award ‘CIAC Community Champion’. For information and the nomination forms, please visit www.ciac.co.uk
Ms Xue Teng, the winner of the CIAC Woman Volunteer of the Year Award 2020, is the headteacher of Huaxia Chinese School, the first Mandarin-language school in Greater Manchester since 2004. She is passionate about her teaching and had introduced a robust framework to improve management and teaching. She has transformed the school into one of the leading supplementary schools in both the Manchester Chinese community and the supplementary education sector.
She has established a school awards system and personally-designed certificates to reward her students. Her passion and dedication have been widely acknowledged within the Chinese Community countrywide. Huaxia was one of the first three UK schools awarded “Chinese language education model school’ status by the Chinese State Council in 2009.
Xue was named “Volunteer of the Year” in 2011 by her employer (University of Manchester). In 2017, Huaxia was awarded the Gold award by NRCSE, a national support organisation for supplementary schools.
Please take the opportunity to submit your nominations in time!