中国驻英国大使郑泽光,中国政府欧洲事务特使吴红波,中国人民对外友好协会副会长姜江,英国外交发展部中国和东亚司司长卓丹廉,英国议会上院议员戴维逊勋爵、下院议员伯恩,英国前商务大臣凯布尔,来自英国 各界代表,以线下线上方式参加座谈会并发言。
郑泽光大使作了题为《砥砺前行 协力共创更好未来》的讲话提到,过去的50年来,中英关系历经波折起伏,克服困难障碍,取得了历史性发展;并用可以用引领,拓展,共赢三个关键词来概括中英关系取得的成果。在50年后的今天中英双方应 :
On 22 March, the Chinese Embassy in the UK held a seminar – ‘China and the UK: Working Together for a Better Future‘ to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-UK ambassadorial diplomatic relations.
Chinese Ambassador to the UK His Excellency Zheng Zeguang delivered a speech entitled ‘Working Together for a Better Future’. Wu Hongbo, Special Representative of the Chinese Government for European Affairs, attended and addressed the seminar online. Dan Chugg, Director for Northeast Asia and China at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, Lord Davidson of Glen Clova, Liam Byrne MP, and Sir Vince Cable, former Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills as well as the representatives from all fields attended online or in person and delivered speeches.
H.E. Zheng used three key words, namely pioneering, extension and mutual win-win, to summarise the development of the China-UK relationship over the past 50 years. Today, 50 years later, China and the UK should focus on:
– The two Countries should have a right mutual understanding of each other and deepen political mutual trust;
– The two Countries should expand on our continued cooperation;
– The two Countries should shoulder the responsibilities as 2 major countries;
– The two Countries should strengthen friendship between the people of the 2 countries
– Work together to promote the stable and long-term development of bilateral relations on the right track of dialogue and cooperation.
Mr. Edmond Yeo, Chairman of the Chinese Information and Advice Centre (CIAC), was honoured to be invited by the Chinese Embassy in the UK to represent the Chinese community at this seminar. Chairman Yeo would like to thank the Embassy for the invitation. He spoke about CIAC’s recent project to lead the Chinese community to host the welcome of Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall to London’s Chinatown on the first day of the Lunar New Year 2022. This was a good example to promote the friendship and cultural link between the people of the UK and China.