
Our healthcare projects aim to educate the public and improve the wellbeing of the community.

CIAC is the winner for Specialist Achievement Organisation Stop Smoking Service Awards 2014. We partnered with a smoking prevention program (Kick It) in Westminster until March 2017. We had accredited advisers help guide smokers in the community for the project.

In addition we embarked on several healthcare projects in 2016:

Safety at Home 123

This workshop series was conducted by Mr Josiah Yau, a trained occupational therapist. The workshop aimed to educate the elderly regarding safety in their home environment. This included trip hazards in the household, proper use of walking instruments and ways to remain physically and mentally active.

What is the NHS and how does it work?

Co-organised by Oasis in Chinatown, this two-part training was conducted by the NHS Patient and Public Involvement Solutions. It aimed to educate the public on how the NHS Services are arranged and involvement with the NHS as a patient representative.

Nutrition & Healthy Living Workshop Series

Led by nutritional therapist Nicole Song (DipCNM, BANT), the workshop series aimed to bring awareness to nutrition and healthy living by familiarizing the attendees with a variety of carefully chosen subjects in relation to food and health. It encouraged attendees to make healthier food choices so as to eliminate stress or ailments on the body and mind.

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