CIAC is registered with the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) with Registration No. N200100140. These are the services we provide in relation to immigration support:
- Legal Advice
- Home Office Surgery
- Voluntary Return Workshop
Legal Advice – Immigration
With the frequent changes and revisions in immigration laws and regulations, it is common for there to be a lack of knowledge about the up-to-date immigration rules amongst the Chinese migrants. Our service aims to support and facilitate better integration of the Chinese community in the UK.
Our OISC registered adviser will assist and make representation with entry clearance and other in-country applications.
We can assist in:
- visa application for students, visitors, spouses/partners and family
- application for work related visa under the points-based system
- application for settlement
- EEA application
- citizenship registration and naturalisation including British passport application
- referral to legal aid immigration solicitors for asylum application and appeal, and overstayers application and appeal
Home Office Surgery
We host monthly Home Office surgeries at our centre for the community. Friendly officers from the Home Office will meet the local community and provide information regarding immigration applications and voluntary return.
The Home Office assures there will be no immigration enforcement during the surgery.
We provide interpretation in Cantonese and Mandarin. The sessions are available on a first-come-first-served basis and are for only 15 minutes. Please e-mail or call us for an appointment.
Date: First Monday of every month
Time: 6.00 – 7.00 p.m.
Venue: Chinese Information and Advice Centre (Basement, 2 Gerrard Place, London W1D 5PB)
Voluntary Return Workshop
Regular workshops are usually held at the Centre. Participants will receive welfare support and immigration related advice, and understand the latest policy on voluntary return in Malaysia or China.