Outside the No 10 Downing Street was decorated by the Chinese New Year couplets again. At noon that day, the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson invited children in British Chinese schools, key officials from Chinese and British officials, including the Chinese Ambassador to the UK His Excellency Liu Xiaoming and his wife Madam Hu Pinghua, and the Minister of State (Minister for the Commonwealth, UN and South Asia) Lord Ahmad, Lord Bates, Lord Wei, and representatives of Chinese media to 10 Downing Street to celebrate the Chinese New Year. This is the first time Mr Boris Johnson has hosted a reception as the Prime Minister.
Led by Mr. Edmond Yeo, Chairman of the Chinese Information and Advice Centre, along with Chairman of the London Chinatown Chinese Association, Mr CT Tang OBE, Spokesman Mr Lawrence Lee, and Chairman of the Zhejiang UK Association, Ms Ping Huang, invited the Prime Minister to dot the eyes of the red and golden lions representing the Sino-British friendship. This also kicked off the first lion-dance ever outside 10 Downing Street.

The Prime Minster then gave the guests blessings in Mandarin, saying “Happy New Year”. The team brought the Chinese tea art to 10 Downing Street for the first time, and presented the Prime Minister a cultural gift prepared by the Chinese Community. This year is also the first time that Chinese calligraphy has been brought to 10 Downing Street. The Prime Minister also wrote the words ‘China’ and ‘Fu (good fortune)’; wishing everyone good luck this year.
London Chinatown Chinese Association, Spokesperson Mr Lawrence Lee, the Chairman Mr CT Tang OBE, Chairman of the Chinese Information and Advice Centre Mr Edmond Yeo JP, President of the Zhejiang UK Association Ms Ping Huang, and Trustee of the Chinese Information and Advice Centre Ms Viny Poon made a perfect team to prepare for the reception.
Mr. Edmond Yeo, JP, Chairman of the Chinese Information and Advice Centre, said that he was honoured to be tasked by the Prime Minister’s Office for the preparation of the Chinese New Year reception for the second consecutive year. He hoped that the Chinese community and the British government could work closer in the coming year.
The lion-dance of the day came from the London Chinatown Chinese Association, and the catering was provided by the Imperial China Restaurant. The Chairman Mr CT Tang OBE hopes that Chinese and foreign guests can taste Chinese cuisine while enjoying Chinese culture.