CIAC “8th Woman Volunteer of the Year of the Award”, “CIAC Community Champion” and the “Lifetime Achievement Awards”

Chinese Information and Advice Centre (CIAC) the “8th Woman Volunteer of the Year of the Award”, the inaugural “CIAC Community Champion” and the “Lifetime Achievement Awards” ceremony was held at the House of Lords, co-hosted by the Baroness Uddin and Lord Sheikh on Monday 6th December 2021.

More than 120 guests celebrated the “Community Power” within us all that afternoon.

The finalists of the Woman Volunteer of the Year Award were:-
Ms Anita HE;
Ms Tina HO;
Ms Sau Hing AU

And the Winner was Ms Tina HO.

In addition, the inaugural CIAC Community Champion recipients were Ms Gill Tan and Ms Emma Raducanu.

The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Ms Veronica Needa, the founder of the True Heart Theatre, and the famous overseas Chinese leader Dr Chan Cheng.

There was also a presentation to thank the NHS and Westminster City Council for their collaboration with CIAC during the year for successfully organising free Pop-up Vaccination Clinics in the London Chinatown area, benefiting more than 7,000 people in the Community.

CIAC Chairman, Mr Edmond Yeo JP, thanks everyone for supporting the event and recognising the status of voluntary work in the society. He would like to express his gratitude to more people who have contributed to the community through the new Awards.

He would like to thank everyone who came to support us, including Lord & Lady Dholakia, Lord Taylor, Member of Parliament The Hon Mark Logan MP, The Hon Nickie Aiken MP, The Hon Catherine West MP, the Greater London Assemblymen, the Queen’s Representative Ms Pinky Lilani CBE DL, Westminster Deputy Leader Cllr Tim Mitchell and the Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr Louise Hyams and Cllr Sue Gower MBE JP from Bexley. Edmond also has the honour to welcome HE Ambassador Zakri Jaafar, Director of the High Commission of Malaysia, and Mr Gilford Law, Director-General of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office to the event at the House of Lords. Counselor Lu Haitian of the Chinese Embassy also gave a congratulatory video for the event.

In addition, special thanks to our sponsors including ATOMY UK, HSBC, the Shanghai Commercial Bank and the Bank of East Asia.

‘2021 is almost over. Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to our 40th Anniversary next year; CIAC will continue to work hard and serve the Chinese community, together with our Volunteers, in the spirit of our “Compassionate and Caring” ethos and service.

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