Chinatown Heritage Project Held By China Exchange
China Exchange has recently received an award from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to present The Making of Chinatown: a Summer Exhibition Celebrating and Exploring the History of the Chinese Community in London’s Chinatown from the 1960s to Present Day.The exhibition will document the development of the area as well as share the stories of […]
Happy International Women’s Day
This year’s International Women’s Day celebrates the theme: #BalanceforBetter…
Chinese New Year Celebration @ Downing Street
The Chinese Information and Advice Centre was invited by Downing Street to organise the Prime Minister’s Chinese New Year Reception Community Day on 31 January 2019 at No.10 Downing Street…
倫敦華埠防止罪案論壇Chinatown Policing Forum
日期 DATE:WED 30/01/2019 星期三時間 TIME:3-4pm地點 LOCATION:China Exchange32a Gerrard StLondon W1D 6JA 倫敦華埠商會為提高警方對華埠治安問題的關注,特邀請大倫敦警隊專責華埠的警員向華埠商戶及各界華人講解防止罪案的資訊,請各位踴躍出席,加強自身安全意識。查詢請致電: 02078516686London Chinatown Chinese Association would like to invite you to join a discussion forum on Policing to look at crime prevention. Please come and share your views to make Chinatown a safer and better place. For more information: 02078516686 主辦機構 ORGANISED BY:倫敦華埠商會 LONDON […]
Official Launch of the 2nd China-UK International Music Festival (CUIMF)
The Official Launch of the 2nd CUIMF 2019 was held at the House of Lords on 23 January. The Launch was hosted by Lord and Lady Sheikh. It was well attended including Lord Cotter; Executive Chairman of CUIMF, Music Director of Queen Mary University Prof. Paul Max Edlin; Honorary Co-Chair of the CUIMF, Mr. Edmond […]
The World Chinese Economic Forum was successfully held in Malaysia
Based on the “One Belt, One Road” initiative of the Chinese leadership, this annual forum aims to…
CIAC Woman Volunteer of the Year Award 2018
The Award Ceremony took place at the House of Lords on 30th October 2018. Many congratulations…
CIAC ‘Woman Volunteer of the Year Award’ Ceremony 2018
倫敦華埠商會 8月15日與倫敦警隊會面。商會主席鄧柱廷OBE表示將與警隊建立常規溝通機制,定期會面,加強溝通,預料九月將會舉行首次正式會議。他表示:七月五日移民局及警隊在倫敦華埠粗暴執法,當日的警員主要由區外抽調到場,對華埠情況欠缺了解。華人一向奉公守法,希望透過定期會議,加強警民合作,改善關係。 英國華人7月24日發起千人示威抗議粗暴執法後,倫敦警隊已向華人社區致歉,並表示將會與華人社區舉行例會,探討方案,改善與華埠及社區的關係。警方在會上表示:移民局日後進行搜查行動前,將會預先知會當地警方,避免出現緊張情況。 鄧柱廷在會上又提到倫敦華人面對的治安問題,要求警隊日後多加跟進,改善有關情況。他指出:唐人街遊客眾多,希望警察加強巡邏,避免不法份子有機可乘。 華人資料及諮詢中心主席楊慶權地方法官表示: 警隊迅速道歉,並與華人建立溝通機制,顯示警方對華人的重視。希望日後的會議能制訂清晰的目標,並切實執行改善的方案。他又呼籲移民局儘速完成相關的調查,作出道歉,早日還英國華人一個公道。 London Chinatown met with local police to discuss a plan to start a focus group on policing. The first meeting is expected in September. CT Tang OBE, Chair of the London Chinatown Chinese Association explained that he hoped the regular meetings with the police will help to build trust and […]
SAVE FRANK – 三百熟客助倫敦華人咖啡檔聲援示威